Support for Coaches

We oversee the support of parkour coaches nationwide through our dual system coaching model:

  1. Coach Development: The professional development courses are hands-on training experiences that support current and aspiring parkour coaches in their trade, connecting them with other coaches and opportunities around the country, whilst also preparing them for the coaching qualifications.
  2. Coaching Qualifications: The coaching qualifications consist of Level 1 – Assistant Coach and Level 2 – Full Coach. Level 1 qualified coaches are accredited to support Level 2 coaches, and Level 2 coaches are accredited to coach classes on their own.

Professional Development 

The Professional Development (PD) stream is a module-based system that uses a hands-on, experiential learning approach. The modules broadly fit within the following categories:

  • Coaching concepts
  • Coaching delivery
  • Parkour culture
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Biomechanics
  • And other important parkour and coaching components

The PD stream explores a range of important concepts, skills, and philosophies within general coaching practice and parkour-specific content to support aspiring and current coaches. Our courses are adapted to suit the attending participants and are not one size fits all.

Additional details:

  • Prerequisites: N/A
  • Course length: 2 days
  • Minimum age: 16

Qualification: Level 1 – Assistant Coach Qualification

Assesses competency in skills necessary for supporting a class led by a Level 2 – Full Coach. Key components tested include:

  • Personal fitness
  • Leading an appropriate warm up and cool down
  • Demonstration of select foundational parkour movement skills
  • Observing and spotting students during movement
  • On-the-spot concept delivery, i.e. speaking with authority on parkour topics to others, such as students, parents, and the public (possible topics provided on admittance to the course)
  • Assisting a 1 - 1.5 hour parkour class with real students


All applicants of the Level 1 – Assistant Coach Qualification must provide proof of the following prerequisites before admission to the course:

  • Attendance at one or more Parkour NZ Professional Development courses;
  • Proof of valid identification (i.e. a driver’s license, passport, firearms license, or Hospitality NZ 18+/Kiwi Access card are all acceptable - do not send originals);
  • Proof of a valid first aid certificate (i.e. a scanned or photographed copy of certificate);
  • Proof of employment at a Parkour NZ member organisation (if applicable);
  • Consent to and complete a police vet by Parkour NZ;
  • Design and submit a progressive 5 session parkour class itinerary for the following scenario:
    • A one-hour outdoor class of 10 beginner students between the ages of 8 and 13.
    • Include as much detail as possible (e.g. instructions you would give, time allowances, movement skills, training concepts, obstacles, games, etc.)
  • Film a short video (under 5 minutes) that shares and demonstrates: o The story of your parkour journey to date and the reason for pursuing the Parkour NZ Level 1 – Assistant Coach Qualification.
  • Personal physical and mental aptitude in parkour by filming the process of you overcoming a parkour challenge you’ve never done before (must be either outdoors or in a Parkour NZ Member Organisation facility).

Qualification: Level 2 – Full Coach Qualification

Assesses applicant’s skills in running diverse class scenarios on their own and/or while leading a team. Key components tested include:

  • Personal fitness
  • Leading appropriate warm-ups and cool-downs
  • Demonstration of a wide range of parkour movement skills in isolation and in sequence
  • Parkour-specific strength and conditioning
  • Pre-planned and on-the-spot lesson delivery, delivered to other applicants acting as students
  • Pre-planned and on-the-spot concept delivery, i.e. speaking with authority on parkour topics to others, such as students, parents, and the public (possible topics provided on admittance to the course)
  • Coaching a 1 - 1.5 hour parkour class with real students
  • Completion of a coaching vlog


All applicants of the Level 2 – Full Coach Qualification must provide proof of the following prerequisites before admission to the course:

  • Proof of valid identification (i.e. a driver’s license, passport, firearms license, or Hospitality NZ 18+/Kiwi Access card are all acceptable - do not send originals);
  • Proof of a valid first aid certificate (i.e. scanned or photographed copy of certificate);
  • Consent to and complete a police vet by Parkour NZ;
  • Valid Parkour NZ Level 1 – Assistant Coach Qualification Certificate;
  • Design and submit a progressive 10-session parkour class itinerary for the following scenario:
    • A two-hour outdoor class of 20 students ranging in ability (beginner to skilled) between the ages of 8 and 50.
    • Include as much detail as possible (e.g. instructions you would give, time allowances, movement skills, training concepts, obstacles, games, etc.)
  • Design and submit an additional 15-minute lesson for delivery to other applicants during the qualification;
  • Write a 3-minute talk on a parkour and/or coaching-related concept of your choosing;
  • Film a short video (5 minutes or less) that shares and demonstrates:
    • The story of your parkour journey and the reason for pursuing the Parkour NZ Level 2 – Full Coach qualification
    • Personal physical and mental aptitude in parkour by filming the process of you overcoming a challenge you’ve never done before (must be either outdoors or in a Parkour NZ Member Organisation facility) 

Qualification Applications

Qualification length:

  • Level 1 - One day (not including prerequisites) + assisting a live class 
  • Level 2 - Two days (not including prerequisites) + coaching live class

Minimum age:

  • Level 1 - 16
  • Level 2 - 18

Submit all prerequisite information at least three weeks before the qualification date.

If the criteria have been met and the applicant has provided all of the necessary elements, a representative will be in contact about admittance to the relevant qualification. Payment must be received one week before the qualification date to be eligible to participate.

Qualification Completion

All applicants who successfully complete a qualification receive an official qualification certificate and are added to the Parkour NZ Coaches Register making you eligible for referrals and contract work with Parkour NZ.

The Level 1 – Assistant Coach Qualification is valid for 2 years and can be renewed for another 2 years following attendance at a Parkour NZ Refresher course.

The Level 2 – Full Coach Qualification is valid for 3 years and can be renewed for another 3 years following attendance at a Parkour NZ Refresher course.

If applicants are unsuccessful, they will not be awarded the relevant qualification. Parkour NZ will provide advice and encouragement on how to achieve the qualification should they wish to apply again. The applicant must, however, wait at least 6 months before reapplying.